"There is, monks, an unborn -- unbecome -- unmade -- unfabricated. If there were not that unborn -- unbecome -- unmade -- unfabricated, there would not be the case that emancipation from the born -- become -- made -- fabricated would be discerned. But precisely because there is an unborn -- unbecome -- unmade -- unfabricated, emancipation from the born -- become -- made -- fabricated is thus discerned."
--attributed to Gotama the BuddhaThere is a Nothing which creates all somethings. It is a Nothing which can manifest itself within created reality behind the mask of an identity, or rather it does so through a very large number of identities. This Nothing is often called a "static", and sometimes THE Static. Awareness of being the Static is also a tone on the linear tone scale. Processes exist which assist an identity (a "self") to contact itself as the Static. I am calling these processes "the Static Processes." I suppose these could also be called the Diamond Cutters, after the Buddhist sutra.
This is my attempt to compile all the processes, drills and commands which seem to point in this important direction.
The Zero Eight process: My first write up of this used the command "Locate a static." Since "locate" often means "place in PU location" to a scio, perhaps "find" might work better for others than "locate"... The commands are:
"Find (locate) a static."
"Find (locate) an infinity."
"Spot" could also be used here, but would convert the process into a purely OT drill for most ex-scios because to them "spot" is objective rather than subjective. In all three versions it is patently impossible to carry out the commands because neither a static nor an infinity can be found, located or spotted in a universe. This makes the process a Zen style process where the processee essentially exhausts all of the plausible answers available in the universe and quickly has no recourse other than to go outside in order to carry out the commands. Because of this, it might not be runnable on most lower level PCs because they will be unable to cognite their way out of the apparently insoluble problem.
Probably we should try to run this as many flows as possible as soon as the PC is pan-determined enough to do them. No restrictions should be placed upon how the PC goes about finding static. This would be the broadbased "shotgun" method. The PC needs to be in fairly good shape to do this one. It requires really knowing oneself to be NOT MEST (matter-energy-space-time), and to have non-body perception. The theta perception doesn't need to be sharp and clear, muddy will do, but it is I think necessary to doing the process. Someone who can only see through the body's senses might cave in or experience loss of havingness trying this one. This version takes its shape from the fact that the life static appears to be an infinite zero when viewed from a physical universe viewpoint.
Another way to go at it would be to get the PC to locate objects, energies, efforts, emotions, thoughts, the input of each of the senses, etc and examine them to see if there is distance (separation) between those things and the person him/herself. It's purpose is to discover to what the person is not. Eventually the entire outer universe and the personal identity both are rejected as not being "self" (Buddha's assumptions). The only thing which remains is is not a thing at all, it is nothing. But we already know that it is a nothing which is aware, etc -- definition of a static in other words. I have not attempted to rewrite that one yet as a Scn style process. The basic dichotomy comes into play here, because not only are these things not the self, but they are also not separate and therefore to be desired and clung to. Buddha is recorded to have express this latter as a sequence of manifestation arising in dependence. Both of these are core meditations used by Buddha, and from which the diamond cutter is derived. It's purpose is to discover to what in the universe the person is attaching, and conversely to dissolve any identification of "self" with the universe.
Another I stumbled into by accident, but is related to the way Raja Yoga meditation is done as an internal view of personal space. It consists of seizing a single thought and examining it with clear sight (TR 0). Upon close examination it will be revealed to be a concept or meaning attached to a bit of effort level energy. Repeated viewing of the "meaning" part of it eventually brings static into view for a moment. An earlier write up on this is found in "Ascending the Tone Scale by Dissecting a Thought"
Another way of getting at static is that oddball Spotting Spots process I developed out of Ken Ogger's notes. My roughed out commands for that are:
"Spot a spot in space (or: in the space of the room)."
"Place a remote viewpoint at that spot in space."
"While looking at that spot, have the remote viewpoint look at you."
The resulting short circuit of mutually duplicated thetan brings an instant of contact with static.The best known static process in scio circles is the main power process authored by John McMaster. The clearest understanding of it I've read is in Geoffrey Filbert's "Excalibur Revisited":
I have defined the purposes, and the unfortunate misapplications, of Power Processes. The story behind them is a bit of a tragedy because L. Ron Hubbard developed these privately [Geoff was apparently unaware that it was actually John who developed the Power processes. -Ouran] and he ran them on himself, and left them unflat. He's got them backwards, and has been kind of crazy ever since 1965. Prior to that particular period in time, he seemed to be essentially rational. Since that period or time he has been essentially irrational. His error is actually on the first process, Due to the fact that he made this error, compounded by the fact that his following in the churches are on a monkey-see, monkey-do basis, physically, mentally, and spiritually with this man, they uniformly run the processes to the same unflat point that he did.When it comes to processing, Geoff is brilliant.The first process you run alternately, two commands, to EP.
Tell me a source.
Tell me a not source.
You could run it the other way: What is source. and What is not source. It is preferable to use "Tell me." You can word clear these out of a dictionary that "source" is an origin point on something. The pc will rather quickly come up with himself as source and be grinning ear to ear over that, and have little to no understanding of not source. This is the point that L. Ron Hubbard stopped. This is the point that most church people stop on this particular process. Although, there is a floating needle, although there is a grin on the person's face, they still have no understanding of not source, so it is an unflat process. Of course, they have had an exactly-backwards end phenomena. You keep running the process until they get this thing straightened out, and realise that they are not source and that there are a lot of not sources out there. They start to understand the first and second axioms that they are a life static and they will cognite that they have been identified with particular viewpoints or a singular viewpoint in the physical universe, and had actually thought they were sources, and that is a very silly and absolutely ridiculous thing to do; to identify and be a point within a matter, energy, space, time continuum, much less this one. At that point the process is flat.
Allen Hacker has a full processing regimen pointed at static, which he calls "AEther" to avoid confusion with any mistakes made by LRH. This processing is called Zero Point. Information about it can be obtained through Allen's websites, through this hub site: AEscir. I wish to make a strong statement here that in communicating with Allen I perceive him to have directly experienced static at least as much as I have and probably even more deeply. Unfortunately Allen's exact processes remain confidential at this time.
Sedona releasing has this:
Alternating between:From Ken Ogger's notes comes this suggested process which looks like a stab at the same result as my static process (Aug 98 Pilot posts):I am everything, and
I am nothingPerhaps there is something one could drill. Maybe "spotAs always when working at this level, any concept focused upon by the mind is composed of a pair of opposites, so both sides have to be run. In "Creation Of Human Ability" is an LRH process "Conceive a static." which I do not recommend because it unfortunately suffers from only running half of the dichotomy. Basically Static is the top of the tone scale. The top end of the tone scale is normally out of a person's view. Oftentimes someone who is processing can see upscale into the Thought band, but not into the Causal band wherein Static occupies the highest position which has any manifestation (only Native State "above" static). But as a person processes, more and more of the scale should come into view for them. Until the PC gets high enough to occupy the Causal area, take a win on getting a view in the Thought band. High band thought (the tone scale above exhilaration) is an area of high concept, aesthetics, postulates, and abstracts such as archetypes. This area when examined usually produces a floating needle. This is the area of getting back to a true "isness" and the as-ising of unwanted conditions. Unwanted conditions are always not-isnesses. Their denial and the resulting unconsciousness associated with them drop not-ised conditions to the bottom of the scale. This bottom is effectively the other half of the dichotomy opposite Static. Always run both ends of any dichotomy because they are one.
a timeless nothingness" alternated with "spot reality".Ouran